Today in Math the students and I began working on division. Today we began using a compatible numbers strategy to help us to estimate division questions. See the examples below:
For example, when solving 873 / 9, students can estimate using the more compatible = 900. Since we know that 90 / 9 = 10 then we know that 900 / 9 = 100. Or in our second example, instead of using 258 / 4, we can use the more compatible 200 / 4. Since we know that 20 / 4 = 5, we know that 200 / 4 = 50. To get an even closer estimate we can use 240 / 4. Since we know that 24 / 4 = 6, we know that 240 / 4 = 60. As you can see, it is helpful to use our multiplication facts to assist us in choosing compatible numbers; that is why we were writing them out along the side. We will continue to work on this skill in upcoming classes before moving on to long division.